Candidate Washington (Frank Walters) wins the presidential debate with his explanation that only God arbitrates fairness not politicians.
From The New Founders,
But neither the economy nor the border issue were what won the night for nominee Walters. It was his closing statement that had the greatest
impact, an idea that he had not shared with his team previously. As a matter of fact when he started his summation, Murray and the team let out an audible gasp. Dudek looked at Rader, who looked at the others as if to say, “Here we go again.” The newest additions to the campaign were about to get another lesson in unorthodox politics.
Walters started by scolding his opponent for starting an era of class warfare and creating jealousies between fellow Americans. He called the idea of redistribution of wealth in the name of fairness an anathema to our society, benefitting chosen constituents and many of the forty-seven percent of Americans who did not pay federal income tax at all.
He exclaimed that fairness was not defined by one American giving more of his hard earned dollars to a government that would take its cut and then use
the balance to attempt to buy a vote from another American.
He asked who was qualifed to judge what was fair.
Walters rhetorically asked if any political leaders, founding fathers or even Supreme Court Justices could be entrusted as the arbiters of fairness….
Walters turned his head toward the camera and announced to the
world that God was the judge of fairness; the Almighty deemed what was fair in the world when He delivered the Ten Commandments to Moses.
Walters listed the commandments, stressing those related to honesty and
envy. Murray thought Walters made a mistake of biblical proportions. The
rest of the new founders agreed with Murray, understanding religious references to be the suicidal powder keg in presidential politics.
But Walters did not care. He understood what people wanted, needed, and believed. Had they known what he was going to say in advance, Murray knew the team would have done everything to dissuade their candidate from raising this taboo subject. The candidate knew that too, which was why he had kept it from them until he used it during the debate.
Once again, it worked.
Walters seemed to be addressing each American one on one when he said with reverence that nothing but harmony, honesty, industry, and frugality were necessary to make us a great and happy people.
He concluded by challenging his opponent, pronouncing that in his
four years, the president offered America exactly none of those essential elements.
Walters took the president to task on each of his four points, detailing the fostering of class warfare, the misrepresentation of PresidentCare, the attack on vibrant and successful industries, and the spending that brought the country to the brink of oblivion.